
Ex-COAS General Qamar Bajwa video made by Afghan man in France is highly condemnable

In light of recent events, we are compelled to express our deep concern and strong condemnation regarding the mistreated COAS General Qamar Bajwa video, the former Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan, during his visit to France. Such acts not only undermine diplomatic relations but also disregard the fundamental principles of respect and dignity that should be upheld between nations. In this article, we shed light on the incident, discuss its implications, and emphasize the need for swift action and accountability.

This incident involved the mistreatment of General Qamar Bajwa during his visit to France, which sparked widespread outrage. The mistreatment reportedly occurred during an official diplomatic meeting, where General Bajwa was subjected to disrespectful behavior, contravening the established norms of international diplomacy.

“This is highly condemnable; no one can appreciate that but only those who are trained to abuse,” senior Pakistani journalist Asma Shirazi said.

This is highly condemnable , no one can appreciate that but only those who are trained to abuse … https://t.co/7jbCukAwib

— Asma Shirazi (@asmashirazi) June 5, 2023

Acts of mistreatment, especially against high-ranking officials like General Bajwa, have severe implications for diplomatic relations between nations. Diplomatic visits and meetings are essential avenues for fostering understanding, cooperation, and resolving issues through dialogue. Mistreatment of diplomats not only damages the reputation of the host country but also hampers the prospects of meaningful dialogue and mutual trust.

“The footage of an Afghan national misbehaving with Pakistan’s former CoAS Gen Rtd Bajwa in Paris is deplorable — Blaming Pakistan for the problems in Afghanistan is uncalled for — Bajwa or Pakistan did not ask Ghani to flee away, or the army to not fight or Mohib to stash Afghan money, the list goes on,” Anas Mallick, who is affiliated with India’s WION news channel, said.

The footage of an Afghan national misbehaving with Pakistan's former CoAS Gen Rtd Bajwa in Paris in deplorable — Blaming Pakistan for the problems in Afghanistan is uncalled for — Bajwa or Pakistan did not ask Ghani to flee away, or the army to not fight or Mohib to stash…

— Anas Mallick (@AnasMallick) June 5, 2023

The mistreatment of General Bajwa goes against the fundamental principles of respect, courtesy, and professionalism that should guide diplomatic interactions. Regardless of any existing disagreements or differences, it is imperative that nations adhere to the norms and values of international diplomacy, treating all visiting officials with dignity and respect.

“Extremely unfortunate and condemnable that our respected former COAS Gen (r) Qamar Bajwa was mistreated like this yesterday on the streets of Annecy, France. Pakistan should raise this issue diplomatically. If one is on vacation with family, they should be left alone,” journalist Waqas said.

To ensure justice and prevent such incidents from recurring, it is crucial that the authorities in France thoroughly investigate the mistreatment of General Bajwa and hold those responsible accountable. This will not only serve as a deterrent against future mistreatment but also demonstrate a commitment to upholding the principles of diplomatic conduct.

The mistreatment of General Bajwa should not overshadow the broader bilateral relationship between Pakistan and France. Both countries have a shared interest in strengthening their ties in various domains, including trade, defense, and culture. By addressing this incident promptly and effectively, both nations can work towards restoring trust and building a more resilient partnership.


The mistreatment of General Bajwa during his visit to France is an unfortunate incident that demands our attention and strong condemnation. Upholding the principles of international diplomacy and mutual respect is paramount to maintaining healthy bilateral relations between nations. It is our sincere hope that the authorities in France take swift action to investigate this incident, hold those responsible accountable, and pave the way for improved relations between Pakistan and France.


Almeda Bohannan

Update: 2024-05-04